Sunday, June 21, 2009

Spicy Sesame Soba Noodles


1 bunch Soba Noodles

1 Tsp Sriracha Hot Sauce

1 Rounded Tsp Dijon Mustard

1 Tbsp Honey

1 Tbsp Sesame Oil

2 Tsp toasted sesame seeds

Chopped Green Onions


1. In a large sauce pan bring 3 cups of water to a boil, add soba noodles.

2. In a medium bowl combine sriracha, dijon mustard, tamari, honey and sesame oil.

3. When noodles are cooked drain and add to bowl with sauce mixture. Toss to coat noodles evenly. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.

4. Before serving toss with sesame seeds and garnish with green onions.


Rachael Ray Big Orange Book, sesame chicken recipe


Rachael had prepared a sesame chicken recipe and thought that it would be great if the sauce recipe was changed slighty and just served with noodles, so she came up with the above recipe. This was a perfect compliment to our sushi.

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